If you’re looking for a honeymoon spot where you can get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, Waterton Lakes is the perfect location. It has plenty of wildlife, nature, mountains and prairies; what it doesn’t have is great cell-phone reception (but who needs that on a honeymoon?). As with Jasper, we could have easily stayed longer, because it is a pretty good spot to hang out and relax. It would also be a great spot for a wedding ceremony.
I didn’t come away with as many photos as I did for Jasper, but that’s partly because I took the relaxing part seriously and didn’t lug my camera everywhere I went. I didn’t take it on the lake cruise, as it was a nice 32 degree day and I wanted to sunbake on the deck. I do recommend the cruise, it’s a nice way to pass a few hours and you get to step foot in Montana.
This is the view that greeted us on arrival. Not bad at all!
We checked into a romantic suite at the Waterton Glacier Suites.
The town of Waterton has plenty of nice shady decks where you can enjoy a meal and a cocktail.
There were amazing views all around.
Red Rock canyon was not quite what we expected, it was packed with sunbathers escaping the heat. The road there is a nice scenic drive though, and I’m sure earlier or later in the day there would be more photographic opportunities.
There is a nice waterfall right in the town.
The highlight of the trip for me (apart from the cruise on the lake of course), was the buffalo paddock. We made three trips there in our quest for good buffalo sightings, and the scenery was straight out of a jigsaw puzzle. We kept finding ourselves singing “Oh give me a home…”!
The scenery just outside the town. I took these late in the evening.
I didn’t see a really spectacular sunset in my short time there, but luckily the scenery is so good that even an average sunset looks nice. This was taken on the last night.
Well that sums up the whole wedding/honeymoon experience. I’m glad we stayed local and experienced more of the Rockies. It’s the perfect place to start off married life.
I could not agree more, the Rockies are the perfect place to begin married life. I have only ever flown over the Rockies but would love to go on a train journey which travels past them. My fiance and I have been to Vancouver on numerous occasions and it’s where I proposed so it would be ideal to go back there for our honeymoon. It’s an option amongst several others, we just need to narrow down our ideas. Wish me luck!
Wow! Great post!