Category Archives: maternity

Canmore maternity session – Basia & Chris

Canmore maternity photos

I met Basia a few years ago when I photographed the grand opening of Embody Pilates in Canmore, and I was delighted to see her again with a perfect baby bump. We picked out two studio gowns we thought would work with the mountain scenery and planned an evening session, as that’s when the light […]

Canmore maternity session: Holly & Todd

A mini-maternity session with Holly and Todd, who now have a gorgeous little baby boy that I had the pleasure of photographing. It’s fun to go from bump to baby and be a part of the story. Little Broddie came three weeks early, so I never recommend leaving your maternity session until the last minute […]

Banff maternity session – Ashley & Duncan

I’m having trouble knowing what to say for this one. You see, when Ashley first contacted me about a maternity session in Banff, I was touched by her story. When someone leaves you, the photos and memories are all that is left and her first maternity images are very special to her. So I wanted […]